Jackie LaRouche Photography

An Epic Banff Heli Engagement

Julien and Mai's Surprise Proposal

When Julien first reached out to me about proposing to Mai, I knew we had to plan something extraordinary. After all, this was a couple who lived life with passion, hailing all the way from the vibrant city of Los Angeles. They needed an engagement that matched their adventurous spirits, and that’s where Rockies Heli came into the picture, and we began planning an epic Banff heli engagement together.

The Perfect Plan

Julien and I spent weeks planning every detail. He was so excited, but I could tell the nerves were starting to creep in as the big day approached. And then, of course, the weather threw us a curveball. The forecast was looking less than ideal—gray skies, and a chance of rain. Julien was anxious, but I kept reassuring him, “This is the Rockies; the weather can change in an instant!” 

Takeoff: The Confluence

We started our day by soaring over Banff, heading toward The Confluence—a breathtaking spot where two rivers join forces and cascade over a stunning waterfall. The sight from the helicopter was enough to take anyone’s breath away, but for Julien, it was more than just a view; it was the moment he’d been waiting for.

As we touched down, the sun began to peek through the clouds, bathing the landscape in that golden light photographers dream of. Julien was visibly nervous. He sprung the proposal on me, took a deep breath, steadied himself, and got down on one knee. Mai’s reaction? Pure joy. There were tears, laughter, and, of course, a resounding “Yes!”

A Change of Scenery: Bow Lake

With hearts full and smiles even fuller, we hopped back into the helicopter for our next destination: Bow Lake. Nestled in the Rockies, this gem of a location offered a completely different vibe. The still waters of the lake mirrored the towering peaks, creating a scene straight out of a postcard. Here, Julien and Mai could take a moment to soak it all in, to enjoy being newly engaged without any rush.

We captured some candid shots of them just being themselves—laughing, playing by the water, and reveling in the adventure of it all. The contrast between the powerful energy of The Confluence and the serene beauty of Bow Lake really told the story of their relationship—wild yet grounded, adventurous yet deeply connected.

The Grand Finale: Lake Louise

To wrap up the day, we made a final stop at Lake Louise. It’s hard to imagine a more iconic spot in the Rockies, and it was the perfect place to end this unforgettable Banff helicopter engagement session. The turquoise waters, the surrounding peaks, and that ever-elusive sunshine graced us with its presence once more. We wandered along the shoreline, capturing those last few moments of daylight as Julien and Mai held each other close.

Reflecting on the Day

Looking back, it’s hard to believe how perfectly everything fell into place. From Julien’s nerves and the uncertain weather to the incredible locations we visited, it all came together to create a surprise proposal story worthy of the adventurous love these two share.
